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Artist Bio

Caroline Christie-Coxon

Caroline Christie-Coxon

Caroline Christie Coxon is a contemporary conceptual artist, best known for her process driven circle paintings. Christie-Coxon’s multidisciplinary practice also encompasses (permanent and ephemeral) site-specific works and sculpture; all of which adhere closely to her unique mode of actioning circles to initiate and observe outcomes.

The profound symbolism of the circle has captured Christie-Coxon’s attention for 3 decades, as a form of artistic mantra through which she practices. Christie-Coxon creates art that raises awareness surrounding the timeless symbology of the Circle and its universal relevance in a modern day context. Christie-Coxon notably developing the concept of ‘Circle Culture’ in response.

For the past 20 years Christie-Coxon has presented various iterations of the imperfect circle motif as a contemporary symbol to represent the significant cultural, economic and environmental movements of our time. Christie-Coxon was born in South Africa in 1969, leaving her home country in 1996 for Perth, Australia, where she has lived and worked as an artist and designer ever since.

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